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Here we share all the products of our work done through collaboration on eTwinning.
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pg. 33 y 34           pg. 36 y 37
Students in the project took a survey before and after the project in order to measure its impact in their life. Here are the results we got:


In the question "How many foreign people did you know before starting the project, most of students marked 0-5 and now that the project is concluded they have met around 60 new foreign people.

The sencond question "How often do you use English to communicate in yur free time?"  we can see an increase of "everyday" and "once a week options" while "never" does not appear in the results took at the end of the project.

The second question, about the importance of recycling shows an increase in students awareness.

The same happens with the fourth and fifth questions about importance of reducing waste and saving energy respectively.

Teachers filled a questionaire about Erasmus+ project:

In the final questionaire, all the teachers agree that students cooperated and practiced English during mobilities and during the whole project.

Furthermore, at the Spanish institution, a general Eramsus+ questionaire is given every year and we also saw some increasement there:

The number of teachers in contact with foreign teachers increased.
As well as the number of teachers willing to improve their second language and starting to lear others.

result final cooperatin and lge.png
Families also participates in a survey in Spain. Here we include all the results:

We are so happy with the results because every family knows about the project and they consider:
- It is important to work on sustainable issues from school
- The project has made an impact in stds daily life
- Snacks are now more sustainable
- Erasmus+ project are important for our school
- Students learnt about other countries and languages

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