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Animals in danger workshop
Talking about our ecological problems we had an idea to present the animals which are "in danger of extinction ".Students created them from wastes . There are elephants, giraffes, pandas , rhinoes and many more It was fun to make them and learn about them. All students

at school have admired our workshop.

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Say NO to plastic bags

How to reduce plastic ? We have an interesting exhibition at school about a diferent types of plastic we produce.

The amount of plastic around is frightening .The students had plenty ideas to get rid of it. The simplest - stop using plastic bags. We have found out that all plastic bags decompose for hundred of years and stay with us for ever later as microplastics .So find the solution for shopping, not plastic one.... Brrr
Awareness ball of wrap

With this activity we want to become conscious of the amount of rubbish (mainly plastics) created during school break.

For every drum filled we mark one grade in Earth's temperature.


In our class we used old t-shirts to make fabric bags. This way we control the use of plastic when we go shopping!

Logo contest

Every student created a logo. In every country students vote for the 5 tops and finally, on TwinSpace, everyone votes for the best one

Clean up the World!

In Poland, students participate in this activity in September and this year it wasn't different! 

Bottle caps gathered

polish students have collected plastic caps during three months for others to gain money for their medical equipments. Lovely!

Learn and act!
In Lazise, Italy, students collected data on reciclying  in their homes, analyzed the rules of their Municipality regarding reciclying and reflected about the proposals for reduction and reuse of various materials.
Xmas deco

In Cantimpalos (Spain) we did a Xmas workshop to create centerpieces from natural materials. Students collected leaves, branches, pinecones, etc. and reused glass and mtal jars to make them. Lovely ones came up!

Write your name using no resouces. 
Try to build up your name with crayons, feltips or anything that will not run out because of its use.
Think green - go green

Don't go shopping gifts for Christmas - do it yourself !! it is fun !! Use natural material - CLAY and your hands to create nice decorations.

International collaborations

In Italy, students took part In the International action „ Cleaning up the world.

We go to the parks and the wood and gather the rubbish left there by people .

Creating form waste 
Try to collaborate with a local museum  or entity to do an artistic workshop.
We did one with Esteban Vicente Museum, from Segovia, and our students used already used materials to create collages. Great work!
How to reduce plastic 
We collected only plastic bottles of drinks that we drank in our homes during the week. A large ball of plastic was created from them, which will hang in the school corridor for a long time to remind us to limit plastic and drink water preferably from the tap ... ..
An Earth Day in May
To rise our awareness to ecological problems we prepared an ecological happening for our school community for an international Day of the Earth .We had eco-activities , games and quizes,orientieering routs ,an exhibition about how to preserve and care for our planet
Local and sustainable food
Fridays for Future
We joined an initiative by Teachers for Future in order to promote zero waste snacks and a sustainable mindset.
Cleaning water areas
In the three schools students have collaborated in cleaning a water area aound school: lakes, rives and ponds are healthier now!
We created posters about ecology, planet care and actions to support a better environmental awareness.
Water reduction
Energy saving
Green energy
Projects on renewable energy sources
Sustainable transport
Going on a school trip is always fun but it is even greater by bike!
Bookflix corner 
Where you can read books from the Planet section about environmental diversity and awareness.
Awareness at bathrooms
Writing reminders in mirrors and sticking drop stickers near taps can be a good way to save water.
More than 100 ideas to reuse daily-use materials

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